Additional features of the new rich text CKEditor
If you’ve enabled the new rich text editor, CKEditor, you can now:
Link text to an internal page chosen from the site tree.
Link text to a phone number, prompting the device's phone client when the link is clicked.
Note: The rich text editor automatically recognizes email links, so you don’t have to manually configure those types of link to prompt the device’s email client.
Specify the starting number of an ordered list, allowing the sequence to continue after a line break. To do this, expand the numbered list type in the rich text editor’s toolbar, select list properties, and enter the new starting number.
Paste iFrame tags into the HTML editor to embed an iFrame in the field.
Duplicate content item
It is now possible to duplicate a content item while assigning one to a component, without having to exit the process
Fixed issue
If a component on one page uses a different page as its data source, Explorer will now open the correct page when prompted to display that data source.